Working Online
- You would like to work independently from home?
- You have excellent knowledge and research skills in a specific academic area?
- You are able to express yourself clearly and create logical structures?
- You have an excellent choice of words and the ability to work on academic texts?
- You always offer high-quality work and meet deadlines?
Perfect! Then do not hesitate to apply today and start working online for GWriters. We offer academic freelance online jobs in nearly all areas of study.
Working online for GWriters
We are currently seeking freelancers to complete our team of highly motivated and enthusiastic team. You will have all the advantages of working online and from home and as you can choose the workload you take on, your workdays will be flexible and fit your schedule perfectly! All you need is a high-speed internet connection and your knowledge and skills. You should have at least one but preferably more specific fields of interest and be an expert in this area.
Working online as freelance writer
Whenever companies or private people need specific texts on topics and tasks, they make use of our writing services. As a freelance writer working online for GWriters, you should be able to research on a specific topic and write a text with a logical structure about it. This text should meet all academic standards, including the proper use of references, and fulfil requirements the client may have. When working online as a freelance writer, you can help clients with their:
- Academic manuscripts and assignments
- SEO content and SEO articles
- Specialist books and biographies
- CVs
- Business plans
- Professional resumes
- Articles for journals and blogs
- Reports
Working online as copywriter
Many companies often do not have enough staff to create content for their homepage or they do not have qualified writers that can compose a SEO-friendly article that is well-structured and easy to read. Sometimes they also do not have the time to update their content frequently. This is where you and your talent can come in. Good writers are indeed highly in demand. You have to be able to express yourself in concise sentences and explain a difficult topic so that someone who is not an expert can understand it as well. A copywriter working online for GWriters should not only know how to put ideas into words but also how to write SEO articles that draw attention and visitors to the relevant homepage.
Working online as proofreader
Before submitting or publishing their work, our clients want to make sure that their work is free of bad spelling and grammar. Especially when it comes to technical terms, help from professional proofreaders is needed. You are absolute proofreaders working online spot and correct mistakes and make sure that all technical terms were used in the right context.
Working online as editor
In addition to the correction of bad spelling and grammar, a freelance editor working online makes changes in the context, word choice and style of the text to upgrade its quality. They ensure that the work is ready to be published.
Working online as translator
In order to publish academic texts in different countries, clients often use our professional translation services. To ensure the correctness of a translation and its readability, a translator working online for GWriters only works on texts that have to be translated into his native language.